Thursday, October 6, 2022

Welcome Adventurer!

If you are new here and don't know what the Gateway Chronicles are check out the Introduction section. TLDR: Play in character in costume interacting with plots and pursuing goals in a fantasy tavern full of other characters doing the same sometimes using magical portals to go on expeditions played like a tabletop rpg. Ask for help if you need it. Be cool. Have fun.

Events are typically daylong sessions every other month. They are part of an ongoing campaign which allows many tales to be told from personal stories to sweeping epics. More information can be found on our Facebook Group HERE 

Next Event: Session 101: Sunday, September 17th 
To register email Malix - 
  • Tickets $30 (includes snacks and drinks) 
  • New Players $20  (includes snacks and drinks) 
  • Hero Tickets $50 (includes priority check-in, Tavern Token and a commemorative sticker - Hero backers help keep us growing)
Deadline for Tickets and Character Submission: September 3rd
Last minute submissions are possible up to 1 week before the event, but there is a $10 surcharge and it must be understood that the staff will have less time to incorporate you into stories. 

Sessions are being planned for November, January and February dates TBD

This month we are having a recruitment contest. If you recruit someone make sure they tell the staff that it was you that recruited them. Whoever recruits the most first time players will win a Dawnstone. These items are very rare and are usually only obtainable as a reward (like this) or in game as the goal of a quest (being shadowed is a possible consequence of being Mortally Wounded and is a very. bad. thing. this item is an excellent insurance policy and even if you don't use it you can probably sell it for a bag of gold or trade it for something you want more).

Book 1 Chapter 1

HOST: Malex

STAFF: Lauren Nystul (Innkeeper), Xenia Dawn (Archivist)

ATTENDING: James Barton, Isa Belle, Jade Bouldin, Jimmie Bragdon, Emily Brycelove, Tyler Brycelove, Katie Coley, Michelle Elbert, Adam Eyler, David Garza, Joseph Ginnings, Sabrina Lenore Grimm, Isabelle Habegger, Julianna Habegger, Cheyanne Keeler, Zee Laird, Christopher Moredock, Crow Nystul, Todd Place, Amanda Scott, Jon Shearer, Lex Vanzura, Dakota Wald

The horn has been sounded and those who wear the Key have begun to traverse the Gray Road that will lead them to the Ram’s Head.

The Tavern has manifested on a small hill near one of the old roads once maintained by the King. These days it is being used to move the troops that are defending one of the northernmost points in the land. It seems safe enough for the time being but the cluster of military style field tents at the base of the hill that bear the Stegan emblem of three gold coins in a hoop on a gray field suggest there may be trouble on the horizon.


When Maroth was beginning to collapse Guildmaster Stegan foresaw the demise of the Emrik Kings before most. He used that insight to gather a Confederation of other Guild Masters. When things feel apart they were able to stake a rather large claim very quickly.

In the ensuing chaos of the Banner War, Stegan proved a capable leader. He was chosen to be first Thane of the Freehold that would bear his name. The combined influence and resources of the Guildmasters gave them an edge that allowed them to survive that initial culling of the weak and the poor.

The four years since the Banner Wars did not go as well for the Freehold, its people or their leader. Once the immediate threat of open war was gone, the Thane’s inexperience with war and statecraft was revealed. Threats came from within and without, tearing away chunks of what the Freehold has claimed.

Two years ago, Thane Stegan himself was killed during a raid by a Warlord who calls herself Gura Gar, an ambitious Uruk with a fiercely loyal army. The Guild Council chose Darius, a Mercenary Captain who had seen them through the Banner War to succeed him. Darius has done what he could to shore up the Freehold’s defenses but things aren’t looking good.

Stegan may fall to Margelis or one of the independent Warlords unless Darius can do something quickly to stabilize the region.