Ritual Magic

Ritual Magic is a special form that allows the casting of powerful spells using extra time, materials and assistants.

NOTE: Because this allows enhanced versions of spells of other Forms, it is effectively useless on its own.

ANOTHER NOTE: Unlike the other Forms there is no Lesser and Greater Form. You only ever have to take it once.

A Ritual spell can do things that most spells cannot. It can be more powerful, of greater scope and duration.

Your Ritual is limited by your Tradition and the Forms you know, but it can combine Forms.

Decide what you want your Ritual to do and and choose three special materials that will require Expeditions. Get the approval of the Gatekeeper before proceeding.

When you the materials you need, gather two people willing to help you and perform the Ritual in the back room of the tavern. The Gatekeeper must be present to oversee the proceedings. Make this as elaborate as you like - this is a LARP after all. Just don’t be gross.

Once everything is done and the Ritual has been performed, if it was a simple enough spell the Gatekeeper can decide it just works. If it was asking for far too much, they can decide it simply fails. Most of the time they will have you make two Manna Burn tests back to back.

Some examples:

  • Major healing such as raising the dead, healing a debilitating wound such as a lost limb, curing long-term madness, or restoring sight to the blind. 
  • Permanently enchanting an item.
  • Afflicting a large area with a rain of fire. 
  • Causing a field of crops to grow twice as fast and twice as large. 

Ritual magic has big red flags all around it. I know some of you saw Satanic Panic as a plot point in Stranger Things but your older gamer friends lived through that shit and it was not a great time. Let’s be careful. No need to make a Ritual look like a Black Metal album cover or make it feel like a church service. They can be evocative without being problematic.