Feats (Magic)

To have access to spell casting and any of these Feats a character must have the Magic Skill. The only two ways to acquire the Skill are with the "Caster" Heroic Trait and the "Adept" Heroic Feat. 

Any Feat with a Magic prerequisite is taken into account when determining how many white beads a character has on their Player Badge.

ACCESS ----------------------------

Adept (Magic Feat, Arcana, Runelore) Gives you access to a limited version of the Magic Skill at Rank 1 which is enough to allow you to buy a Discipline Feat (see below). It may never be raised so you can never have access to more than one Discipline and you can never have access to Greater version of whatever Discipline you choose. You will still need to choose (or define) a Tradition but is Hedge Mage more often than not.

DISIPLINES -----------------------------

You may only take Feats that make sense given your character's chosen Tradition.

IMPORTANT: You can only learn a number of Disciplines equal to half your Magic Skill Rank, rounded down (so a character with Magic 3 can acquire 2 Disciplines).  

Each of the "Form" Feats gives you access to the Lesser version of one of the Forms. Learning the Greater version requires the Mastered Magic Feat. Most caster characters can only Master one Discipline (Adepts can't Master any) but those who achieve the Wizard Paragon Class can Master two. 

Alchemy (Discipline, Magic) Grants access to the Lesser version of the Alchemy Discipline. You can only learn a number of Disciplines equal to half your Magic Skill Rank, rounded down (so a character with Magic 3 can acquire 2 Disciplines).  

Attack (Discipline, Magic) Grants access to the Lesser version of the Attack Discipline. You can only learn a number of Disciplines equal to half your Magic Skill Rank, rounded down (so a character with Magic 3 can acquire 2 Disciplines). 

Conjure (Discipline, Magic) Grants access to the Lesser version of the Conjure Discipline. You can only learn a number of Disciplines equal to half your Magic Skill Rank, rounded down (so a character with Magic 3 can acquire 2 Disciplines). 

Defend (Discipline, Magic) Grants access to the Lesser version of the Defend Discipline. You can only learn a number of Disciplines equal to half your Magic Skill Rank, rounded down (so a character with Magic 3 can acquire 2 Disciplines). 

Distract (Discipline, Magic) Grants access to the Lesser version of the Distract Discipline. You can only learn a number of Disciplines equal to half your Magic Skill Rank, rounded down (so a character with Magic 3 can acquire 2 Disciplines). 

Divination (Discipline, Magic) Grants access to the Lesser version of the Divination Discipline. You can only learn a number of Disciplines equal to half your Magic Skill Rank, rounded down (so a character with Magic 3 can acquire 2 Disciplines). 

Enhance (Discipline, Magic) Grants access to the Lesser version of the Enhance Discipline. You can only learn a number of Disciplines equal to half your Magic Skill Rank, rounded down (so a character with Magic 3 can acquire 2 Disciplines). 

Heal (Discipline, Magic) Grants access to the Lesser version of the Heal Discipline. You can only learn a number of Disciplines equal to half your Magic Skill Rank, rounded down (so a character with Magic 3 can acquire 2 Disciplines). 

Protect (Discipline, Magic) Grants access to the Lesser version of the Protect Discipline. You can only learn a number of Disciplines equal to half your Magic Skill Rank, rounded down (so a character with Magic 3 can acquire 2 Disciplines). 


Cantrips (Magic Feat, Magic Skill, Elf or Hellspawn with Perception 2 and Resolve 2 or Human with Arcana) A character with the Magic Skill may learn a number of Cantrips equal to half their Magic Skill Rank (round up). A character without the Magic Skill may take 2 Cantrips. Refer to the Cantrip section for details. 

Elder (Magic Feat, any Paragon Caster Class) Magic sustains you. Your life span in no longer limited by your heritage and is often two to ten times what it otherwise would have been. The effects of aging are also greatly reduced.   

Mastered Magic (Magic 5, 1 or more Disciplines) Grants access to the Greater version of one of the Forms for which you already have access to the Lesser version. You can't buy this Feat more than once so are limited to only having access to the Greater version of one Discipline. The only exception is the Wizard Paragon Class, which gives access to the Greater version of a second Discipline.  

Prestidigitation (Magic Feat, Cantrips, Expeditions Only) You may use improvised Cantrips (see the Cantrip section for details). 

Thaumaturgy (Magic Feat, Prestidigitation, Expeditions Only) You are adept in the use of Cantrips in battle. When you do a Maneuver Action and use Cantrips to distract and confound the enemy you make a Magic test against a Difficulty of 6. If you score at least once you add an extra Advantage Chit to the Reserve. 

ENHANCEMENT (BY DISCIPLINE) ----------------------------

Conjurer (Magic Feat, Conjure, Magic 4, Resolve 2) You may use the lesser form of Conjure to manifest small items at will without a skill test. This can even be done in the Live Action areas (but not those protected by Wards) but you will either have to do a magic trick to produce the desired items or throw the horns and describe out loud that it is what you have done ("I gesture and a wine glass appears in my hand"). 

Diviner (Magic Feat, Divination, Magic 3, Perception 2) When using the lesser form to obtain Portents if you obtain at least 1 you receive 1 extra. In addition, you may use a Portent to reroll any Skill Roll you make.

Enhancer (Enhance, Magic 4, Resolve 2, Expedition Only) Once per session you may Enhance a character (or with the greater form your party) without having to test for Manna Burn. In addition, the spell bestows 5 rerolls instead of the usual 3.

Focus (Magic 3, Attack) A tool, usually a wand (but can be whatever works best with your tradition). While using your Focus with the lesser form of your Attack Discipline if you inflict at least 1 damage you may spend an Advantage Chit to inflict +1 damage. 

Healer (Magic Feat, Heal, Magic 4, Resolve 3) Once per session you may lay on hands. This heals all wounds and maladies but does not require a test and can be done anywhere (it is not prevented by Wards). On Expedition, this can even be done in combat and only requires an Action. 

Illusionist (Magic Feat, Greater Distract, Magic 4, Expeditions Only) When using the Greater form of Distract to create an illusion you only need to pay 1 Advantage Chit, a Backfire only inflicts 1 Wound (instead of the usual 2) and if you score at least 1 success the affected opponents lose an extra turn. 

Portable Lab (Magic Feat, Alchemy) Normally, you have to go on an Expedition to the Grendilmir Workshop to create potions during a session but with a Portable Lab you may do this on any Expedition (during which it will take about an hour) or even in an unwarded area of the Live Action space (where you should act it out for about ten minutes). Knowing you may do this you should consider having some props available. 

Portable Workshop (Magic Feat, Enchanting) Normally, you have to go on an Expedition to the Grendilmir Workshop to create charms during a session but with a Portable Workshop you may do this on any Expedition (during which it will take about an hour) or even in an unwarded area of the Live Action space (where you should act it out for about ten minutes). Knowing you may do this you should consider having some props available. 

Protector (Protect, Magic 4, Resolve 2, Expedition Only) Once per session you may Protect a character (or with the Greater version your party) without having to test for Manna Burn. In addition, the spell will Protect by reducing damage by 1 five times instead of the usual three.

Ward (Magic Feat, Defend, Magic 3) A tool, usually a ring or talisman (but can be whatever works best with your tradition). While using your Focus with your Defend Discipline if you reduce incoming damage by at least 1 you may spend an Advantage Chit to reduce it by another point. 

ENHANCEMENT (CLERIC TRADITION) ---------------------

Defy (Magic Feat, Cleric, Faith) Once per Battle, when you are fighting an undead or demonic opponent you may use an action to test Resolve against their Magic Defense. If you Succeed, they lose their next action. An Exceptional Success means they lose their next action and take a wound. Partial Success means they resist and nothing happens but Failure indicates a backfire and you take a wound.


Goodberry (Magic Feat, Druid) You keep a supply of enchanted berries on hand at all times. Eating one can be done on Expedition (but not in combat) or in a Live Action area (not protected by wards) to heal 1 wound. Each person may only benefit from 1 Goodberry a day (even if they have access to berries from more than one caster).

ENHANCEMENT (MAGE TRADITION) ---------------------

Arcane Familiar (Magic Feat, Mage, Familiar, Arcane, Magic 3) You may grant your familiar the use of two Cantrips it can perform on Expedition (or if you have a puppet in Live Action areas that aren't protected by Wards). In the Live Action space throw the horns and describe the effect of any Cantrip it uses aloud. 

Familiar (Magic Feat, Mage, Magic 2) Your character has an animal familiar of a type chosen when this Feat is taken. Familiars are helpful when spell casting. When you would normally experience a Backfire, make a Paper/Rock/Scissors test. If you win, you don't take the damage. Normally the Familiar only joins you on Expedition but if you have a puppet you may have it in the Live Action Areas. On Expedition a familiar that draws attention to itself can be targeted by attacks. It can defend as if it had Combat 6 but only has a Wound Capacity of 1. Familiars speak telepathically but only to the caster bound to them. If a familiar is killed a new one can be found between sessions. 

Familiar Scout (Magic Feat, Mage, Familiar, Magic 4, Perception 3) On Expedition you may see through the eyes of your familiar. This is a noncombat ability and while you are doing it, you enter a trance and are blind to your actual surroundings. You can maintain this connection up to a mile away.  

Fighting Familiar (Magic Feat, Mage, Familiar, Combat 2, Magic 2, Resolve 2) Your familiar has a Wound Capacity of 2 and if you use an Edge Card opportunity it adds 1 chit to the Advantage Pool and may make an attack against the opponent of your choice with a Combat Skill of 3 but can't do more than 2 damage. 

Skilled Familiar (Magic Feat, Mage, Familiar, Magic 4) Grants a Skill of your choice to your Familiar at Rank 2. While it is in physical contact with you it confers that Skill to you. 

Undying Familiar (Magic Feat, Mage, Familiar, Magic 3, Resolve 3) If your familiar is killed it vanishes and may be resummoned by spending 10 minutes noncombat on Expedition or in the Live Action space in the Ritual Room (or anywhere not protected by Wards).   


Enthrall (Magic Feat, Spellsinger, Magic 4) Once per Battle against a humanoid opponent that can understand you may attempt a Perform test against its Magic Defense. If you Succeed, it loses its next action and you add 2 Advantage Chits to the Reserve. If you score an Exceptional Success, you may either take add the 2 Advantage Chits or cause it to lose a second action. 

Phantasmagoria (Magic Feat, Spellsinger, Busk, Prestidigitation) When you perform you may incorporate cantrips to add special effects that greatly enhance the experience. This is incredibly impressive and will give you an automatic Exceptional Success with Perform with all but the most jaded and hostile of audiences. When done as part of a Busking Performance on the Ram's Head your "tip is raised to 5 gold (instead of the usual 1) or 10 if you also have Charisma. You are still limited to 3 performances per session. If you know you can do this you may want to consider finding ways to use lights and/or recordings to simulate the effect (but you don't have to - you may simply throw the horns and describe what happens). 

Tame (Magic Feat, Spellsinger, Beastmastery, Magic 3) Once per Battle against a natural (or giant) beast (but not a monster like an Owlbear) you may attempt a Perform test against its Magic Defense. If you Succeed, it loses its next action. If you score an Exceptional Success, you may spend 1 Advantage Chit to cause it to lose a second action or 3 Advantage chits to end the battle (the beast is calmed and wanders away confused). Note that if the point of the Expedition was to kill the creature, having it wander away may not help the situation.