
The Gateway Chronicles setting is in the high magic heroic fantasy genre. Magic Items are very much a part of the genre and are available to characters in play. Most of these are single use items such as potions and scrolls but there are more items such as magic grimores, armor and weapons that can be kept and used as long as a character likes. For the most part, these items only tweak what a character can do. There are a much more powerful items called Relics that grant power that can change the course of the campaign.

An overview of some Relics of interest is below. These must be pursued by questing for them. If you are interested, reach out to the Gamemaster.  

This is only a limited sample of what could be found by a resourceful adventurer, especially since there are magics that allow travel to other planes of existence.  

AZAZ: There are stories in many different cultures about what many simply call "the Ring". The details vary but all claim that a Titan of this name who existed before the Gods and before creation itself created it to allow the them to survive the end of the last world. It worked, but their physical body was destroyed and their essence was bound to the ring. It has turned up from time to time and grants godlike powers but consumes the bodies of mortals. In one story, a ringbearer uses Azaz to raise and restore a sunken kingdom. In another, it was used to burn a forest to ash in a matter of hours. It may be the most powerful relic in existence but if the tales tell true, its use always carries a terrible cost. 

THE BASTION: A magnificent suit of armor rumored to have been forged by a God as a commission for a King who worried his solider son would die in battle. The King agreed to make the God the Patron of his Realm in exchange for armor armor that would absolutely protect the life of its wearer. The armor did as he requested. The soldier fought over a thousand battles and was never badly wounded. When the King did not do enough to venerate his Patron, the angry God sent a mosquito to kill the soldier son with a terrible wasting disease. Heartbroken, the King ordered the Bastion armor buried where no one would ever find it. 

THE CHALICE OF NOBLE VITAE: A wizard obsessed with immortality focused decades of study on vampires, which seemed to be both alive and dead. He longed for their ? 

THE HORN RESOUNDING: This five foot horn has three functions. First, once per phase of the moon it may be used at night to summon a hundred spectral warriors that will obey the horn bearer without question until daybreak. Second, once a day it can be used to inspire any allies of the horn bearer who can hear it up to a mile away. Lastly, it can be used to deafening sound a call so tremendous that it will burst doors, barriers, even walls. There is no limit on how often this can be done but there is a small chance every time that the horn will be destroyed in the process. 

THE KEYSTONE: A substantial keystone nearly six feet tall crafted from what appears to be dark granite that bears a single rune that translates to "steadfast". When incorporated. into the construction of a fortification it can be completed in a third the expected time and the result is four times as sturdy as it otherwise would have been. Despite it's power this item has been a part of four castles that have been destroyed, leading some to believe it carries a curse.

THE MAELGARIN MORTAR: An unassuming looking stone mortar of unusually large size with a ring of runes worked into its base. Is the only known way to create stable black powder in anything but very limited quantities that require so much expense and effort that using it for anything but testing is impractical. Was once used by a Dwarven Clan to seize control of three continents for hundreds of years. They were only overthrown when the mortar was stolen and their supply of powder ran out. No one knows what became of it. In the wake of the mortar's disappearance firearms that relied on the less stable powder that could be produced without it fell out of favor and they stopped making and maintaining them.

MILA'S FISH: A carved wooden fish that blesses any waters it is submerged in for at least 3 days with an abundance of healthy sea life that will fill the nets of anyone who casts them there. It has brought food and fortune to many villages over the years. There is a tradition that once the fish has helped it is handed off to someone who will find a village in need.

RED GOLD: A small moneybox that contains a powerful magic. If its owner places nine copper coins in it, they will be transformed into gold overnight. This gold will glint red by firelight. That alone is enough to make a fortune but the red gold bears an enchantment that causes trade to favor the owner of the box. The more red gold that exists in an area the more profound the effect this subtle manipulation will be. In weeks the box can make its owner wealthy. In months, it can change local economy. 

THE SHADOW LANTERN: When used as the light source in a light house, it will never fail and will help guide ships to harbor despite treacherous terrain and dangerous weather. A command word calls up a fog and causes the light to seem to come from a different direction, leading ships astray like a will o the wisp. 

RUNEBLADES: An order of enchanters known as the Runesmiths of Arcedon forged dozens of unique swords, each bearing a different Greater Rune which imbued the weapon with a different power. Urik Ebonblade's discovery that a Runeblade's Rune can be stolen by someone wielding one of these weapons triggered the Rune Wars. Urik is though to have gathered seven Runes before he was defeated. Others gathered anywhere from 2 to 6. By the end of the Rune Wars, very few single Rune weapons remained. Over the years, many famous (and infamous) warriors have used one of these upgraded Runeblades to shape the course of history.