The Chronicle


The Ram’s Head manifested in Stegan, which was under threat from a variety of enemies.

During the day, an Uruk Warlord’s forces drew closer and had to be intercepted by adventurers and soldiers. This climaxed in an attack on the Ram’s Head that was decisively rebuffed by the heroes in attendance.

Between Chapter 1 and 2 the following things have happened:

Darius has returned control of Stegan to the council that gave it to him in the first place. He returned to work as a mercenary commander completing the job of defeating the Uruk Warlord. The council replaced him with Thane Ulari, an influential merchant who is rumored to have ties to the Asp.

Chunks of Stegan were sold off by order of Thane Ulari to strengthen their coffers. As a result, Margelis, Iandir and Newvald now have dominion over land that was once part of Stegan.

A six year skirmish between Aredor and Margelis over a lake has ended. They now share control.

Warlord Redblade has managed to carve out a small Freehold. Both Aeorid and Aredor have stopped trying to drive her out so she has stopped trying to expand.

The Free Farmers League negotiated a treaty with Omar which gave them control of the contested island but they have agreed to offer all trade goods to Omal first.

Gharash withdrew its troops from Celedon to focus on its ongoing struggle with the dwarves.

Currently there are three areas where there are still open hostilities in Kaleth.

There is in-fighting in Gharash.

There has been open war between Durgen and Gharash for more than a year.

Warlord Tempus has been trying to rest control of east Aredor. He is doing much better than anyone expected.