Standard Magic Items

The following are some “common” items that your character may start with, they may find on Expedition or that may be available for sale at some point, always in limited quantities.

The listed prices are an average baseline but they when they are found for sale they can go for much more. Prepare to negotiate.


In combat, characters may drink one Potion when their turn comes up by using their action, movement or spending 1 Advantage Chit.

Only one Potion with an ongoing effect can be active at a time (the most recent one stays active).

Antidote Potion (3gd) Drink/expend to make you immune to all poison damage and effects for 1 combat. Also removes any poison already in your system.

Healing Potion (5gd) Drink/expend to heal all wounds.

Potion of Invulnerability (6gd) Drink/expend to reduce all damage you take by 1 for 1 combat.

Potion of Speed (4gd) Drink/expend to immediately gain a second turn immediately after the one wheer you drink the potion.

Potion of Strength (3gd) Drink/expend to add 1 to the damage of any melee combat test for which any of your dice rolled a 12 for 1 combat.


Scroll of Arcane Storm (4gd) On Expedition in Combat a caster with Magic 3+ may use their action to Read/Expend, automatically inflicting 1 damage to all opponents.

Scroll of Healing (3gd) A caster with Magic at 2+ may Read/Expend on a Expedition or in the Ritual Room to Heal a willing character of all wounds.

Scroll of Mass Heal (10gd) A caster with Magic at 3+ may Read/Expend on Expedition (but not in combat) to Heal thier entire party of all wounds.

Scroll of Protection (7gd) On Expedition in Combat a caster with Magic 4+ may use their action to Read/Expend, protecting the entire party from the first 3 wounds taken by any character or combination of characters. This effect takes place first before any other spells or defenses are considered.

Scroll of Summoning (5gd) A caster with Magic at 5+ may Read/Expend on an Expedition of less than 4 characters to summon a character known to them into the party. The Expedition is paused and a messenger sent - they may refuse to come.

Miscellaneous Items

Backfire Ward (3gd) If carried by a caster whose spell backfires, it is automatically expended and they take 1 less Wound.

Gillian’s Knot (4gd) If carried by a character who is reduced to 0 wounds it is automatically expended and restores 1 wound.

Magic Arrow (3gd) If Used/Expended when attacking with a bow, if the attack hits, it scores +1 damage (only 1 arrow/roll).

Manna Stone (3gd) When a Use/Expend when using a magic ability that normally exhausts you to take 1 wound instead.

Resurrection Stone (20gd) Use/Expend on Expedition (but not in Combat) or in the Ritual Room to raise a willing character (whose corpse is available) from the dead. These stones are very rare and highly valued for obvious reasons.